Payroll services

Payroll services

Are you planning on outsourcing your payroll administration? This is also a service that administration office Optimum AA provides. We can take care of your payroll administration. As an entrepreneur you’re very busy with many things that all require time. The payroll administration is one of those time-consuming activities. You’ve to be aware of the enormous laws and regulations. Optimum AA could completely take this payroll administration weight off your shoulders. By outsourcing your administration to us, you’re relieved of the extra work and your administration is in the hands off a trustworthy companion. This will save you a lot of time and has many advantage:

* We do the monthly salary specifications and pay slips.
* We do the gross and net calculations.
* We calculate the (hourly)-salary costs per employee.
* We do the monthly returns for payroll taxes.
* We give you a prognosis that includes the expected salary costs per employee.

More information

For more information on the services of your payroll administration, feel free to contact us. If you want to know what the costs will be or if you wish to make an appointment, we would like to help you and to answer all your questions without any obligations. We’ve created a network of entrepreneurs that outsourced their payroll administration to us. If you don’t have the time yourself or if you find it too complicated when more workforce comes in, don’t worry anymore, because administration office Optimum AA is ready to support you. The only thing that you’ve to do’s to contact us and we’ll discuss how we can support you, every month.